Saturday 13 February 2010


The man in the picture is not me. He is far from me, there are 3 reasons for this.
First of all, I am English. I wouldn't really like to be american, I might end up getting shot, in fact with my sense of humour and general attitude, I am pretty sure I would get shot.
Secondly, I am not rich. I actually, am quite poor. I know what people are probably thinking, if I am so poor, how am I on the internet, on a computer blah blah blah. I don't mean properly, third world, going to die poor. Just in general, I have no money, it is making my life a bit boring and I would like to go out occasionally poor. I need a job. I have been looking, but can't find one. If anyone would like to help, or maybe even just pay me to be alive, that would be great.
Oh, and the third reason I am not like this guy?
I am white :P.

Wednesday 10 February 2010


Boredom inspires people to do some great things. Some people take up life threatening hobbies. Others are inspired to learn more, or maybe better themselves, or even possibly, humanity. Boredom inspired me to make this blog. I agree, it's not cure for cancer, nor is it extreme sports. But I am in a library, so my options are limited.

I hope you find some enjoyment in this blog, as I sit here wasting my precious life at this infernal machine that seems to have taken over so many lives.